Monday, January 12, 2009

Ford's Fifty Years of Futility

Well, he's at it again! William Clay Ford has once again decided that he knows best and will appoint coach number 18 or 19 (depending whether you count interim coaches or not). He has made his choice for general manager despite the fact that Mr. Mayhew has a little more experience than Matt Millen had seven years ago when Mr. Ford appointed him.
If it is Mr. Ford's intention to give Lion's fans hope for the upcoming season he's delusional. If he's counting on the Blind Squirrel theory he's still delusional. There's no squirrel that blind.
The only things Mr. Ford has going for him is his fortune and the Detroit Lions fan base. Only in Detroit will a Commitment to Mediocrity fill the stadium. In New York, Philadelphia, or Chicago the media would be screaming for Ford's head. Not in Detroit. Other than a column or two by Mitch Albom there has been little said of William Clay Ford's ineptitude as an owner. That is too bad, I think there's a Pulitzer Prize lurking in the litany of missed opportunities. A well-written expose' on Lion assistant coaches that went on to become Hall of Fame head coaches elsewhere just for openers. I may have to research that myself though it may prove too depressing.